Sunday, April 1, 2007

He's just growing too fast!!!

Yesterday in the mail I received another issue of Growing Child, a monthly newsletter. I got months 4 and 5, and after reading it, I realized that Garrett is already doing the things they described for that age. I look back at what he was like as a newborn, and he's already learned so much! He plays with his hands quite frequently, he loves standing up, he smiles when he sees me or Doug, and can turn his head in the direction of our voice if we call his name. I tickle him when I change his diaper, and he laughs and giggles and squeals with joy. He's so much more interactive now, and it makes me think, "Where has the last 3 months gone?". It seems like just last month I gave birth to him, and now he's already this little man, growing and learning. I love him at this age because he's still my little boy, but I can see the great person he's already growing into.

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