Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time to get back on track

Well, It's been a while since I've written anything or posted pics on Garrett's blog, but we're still here! Since I have a second, I thought I'd try to update everyone on Garrett's crazy busy life. Since July, Garrett has learned so much! I'll try to keep it short since there is a lot of info.

-August 1st- Garrett started crawling!
-August 12th/13th- He was able to go from crawling position to sitting up and back again.
-August 13th- Garrett started pulling up on furniture to standing and also started walking (though somewhat wobbly) when holding on to your hands.
-August 24th- Garrett cut his 1st tooth!
-August 26th- Said "mama" for the first time ( I melted!).
-September 2nd- cut 2nd tooth!
-September 19th- Garrett first started to pick up finger foods and put them in his mouth (knowing that they were supposed to go there).
Mid-September-Mommy got sick and we discovered that when Mommy coughed Garrett would do a "fake" cough. Now he will "fake" cough when we say "cough-cough". It's really cute!
November 13th/14th-cut 3rd tooth! But it's not his front top teeth. He's actually getting the teeth just outside of them, so it looks like fangs coming in!

Garrett started getting sick towards the beginning of October. After the first week, I took him to the doctor just to make sure he wasn't getting an ear infection. The doctor said he was looking good. Well, it's been over 6 weeks and we're on the 2nd antibiotic and he's FINALLY starting to get better. It just got so bad that he got a little sinus infection that didn't go away after the first round of antibiotics. Now he can actually suck on his pacifier or drink a bottle without the snorting sound of blocked sinuses. So we're very happy that he's feeling better.

Garrett also had his first Halloween! I took him the weekend before to my parents in Muskegon and put on the costume then so that they could see him in it. He was so cute and I was very relieved that the many more times he was put in the costume, he didn't cry! (The first time was a disaster).

Doug and I have been working on talking with him. He loves our cats and everytime he pets them, we tell him its a kitty. Well, after so many times of telling him it was a kitty, he started saying "kee" or "kee-kee". I still think that counts as his first word (besides sounds of "mama" and "dada"), but Doug disagrees. Since then, we've also been trying "doggie", and he's come close a couple times, but he's just not a consistant talker yet.

Garrett has also discovered the phone. Whenever Doug or I isn't home, but the other is, and we call each other, we'll give the phone to Garrett so he can hear us talking to him. Now he will pick up the phone and hold it to his ear (usually backwards and upside down) when we say "hello". Time for pics!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

July 4th

On the Fourth of July, we took Garrett to the cottage for the first time. We tried to get him to go swimming, but right after this picture was taken, he started crying. I think the water was just a little too cold for swimming.

Food Frenzie!

At Garrett's 6 month check up, the doctor okayed him to start cereals. This unfortunately was not his FIRST attempt at cereal, but one of them. We were still trying to work out how to get the food IN his mouth, but he decided that it was more fun to smear it on the table.

Beach Babe...

On June 24th, Doug took Garrett on his first trip to the beach! Doug's parents were camping at Holland State Park and Garrett got all geared up to play at the beach. And of course he had to have his favorite pal Yoda with him.

Sittin' pretty!

On June 21st, Garrett learned how to sit up on his own! He still toppled a bit, but he instinctively caught himself and pushed himself back up. In this pic, he was busy watching Spongebob Squarepants (our fave cartoon).

Apparently my little man wants to be big and strong, so he's been working out by soing some push-ups!

Father's Day Fun

I bought Garrett this little inflatable pool and Doug and I decided it was a nice day to let Garrett try it out. At first he wasn't too keen on the idea (it was not exactly bath water). But eventually he got used to it and had fun chasing after his floating bath toys. Doug even got him splashing around!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

On the morning of Father's Day, I got Garrett up and brought him downstairs to see his daddy. Doug was so happy to see him. He loves being a father and especially loves having a little boy!

I wish I could hold him like this forever...

New outfit from Nana!

My mom got this outfit for Garrett from The Children's Place, and I have to say that he looks absolutely adorable! Doug thinks he looks like a mini jockey with this hat, but Garrett seems to like it!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Liar, Liar, Pants On....Head?

"Dad...seriously, what's this all about?"

"Mommy, why are you laughing so hard?"

"I just don't get it..."

My husband is strange. EVERY time he changes Garrett's diaper and he happens to be wearing pants, Garrett somehow ends up wearing his pants on his head. It so happens that on this occasion the elastic band scrunched up his face and he had the most priceless expression. I was laughing so hard I was snorting and crying, and Garrett kept staring at me wondering why I was acting so goofy!

Lil' Slugger

Last month when Doug took Garrett to the mall to buy my Mother's Day gift, they stopped at Hat World so Doug could get another Tiger's hat. He ended up buying one for Garrett too. So one day, when gearing up for a Tiger's game on the TV, we got Garrett all dressed up in his Tiger's outfit and hat so he could help Daddy cheer them on.

The Polka Dot Prince

My friend EB got this outfit for Garrett as a gift and I thought I was going to miss an opportunity for him to wear it. But one cool day I finally got to put him in it. This is definitely one of my favorite outfits on him!

Camo cutie

It's funny how when you really like something it automatically gets thrust upon your children. Doug likes camouflage, so naturally Garrett wears it. And it just looks so darn cute on him too!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

No longer a baby...

At least that's how I feel sometimes. On Friday, May11th, I went to my friend Linda's baby shower, and Garrett decided that he's a big boy and rolled over onto his stomach for the first time! I was so excited. My friend EB was also there and she got right down on the floor praising him and congratulating him. He was apparently very proud of himself and started laughing and smiling. Since that day, if we leave him to play on the floor, he will roll back and forth, from his back to his front and back again. Garrett is also getting very interested in feeding himself his bottle. When it's within arms reach he'll grab onto it and try to bring it too his mouth (although sometimes he misses and puts the nipple on his forehead). But mostly he knows where it goes. One day he even held it for a couple minutes on his own.

We've also had a breakthrough in his sleeping habits.We used to swaddle him for every nap and bedtime, but lately he breaks out because he's getting too strong. When this happens, he wakes up and cries, thus waking me up. But last week we decided that since the weather was getting warmer we should start putting him down without being wrapped. I picked Friday at nap time to start doing this. This way if he had a hard time adjusting, I would have the whole weekend to catch some extra zzz's if he didn't sleep well at night. That night I put Garrett down at 9pm, and I didn't hear a peep out of him until 7:30am!!! (This is very good by the way!) This was the most nervewracking night I've had in a long time! I peeked in on him before I went to bed at 11pm, and he was laying on his side with his face smushed into the bumper. I as terrified that he wasn't breathing, so I put my hand on his belly, and of course he was just fine. Then I woke up at 6:30am (his usual wakeup time) and checked on him again and he was sleeping on his stomach! Garrett hasn't slept in until 7:30am since he was 2 months old! It was awesome. He slept so great! His naps aren't that great anymore, but at least I feel better knowing that he can sleep without being swaddled.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Garrett's 4 month check up

Last Wednesday, May 2nd, I took Garrett to the doctor for his 4 month check up. Garrett is now 15 pounds and 26 inches long! Since he was born he's been in the 50th percentile for height and weight, but now his height is in the 90th percentile! Doug and I are very happy to see that he's going taller. We knew by the size of his feet when he was born that he'd be a big boy! He's doing pretty well. He's eating great, and is generally very happy. He loves to smile and laugh, and Doug and I love to make him smile and laugh. Garrett got 4 vaccinations on Wednesday as well. When he got his last shots, he did great! But this time it took his 3 days to recover. The next day he was very cranky, cried a lot, and had trouble sleeping. It was a rough couple of days, but now I know what to expect next time. Garrett also got to have his first sleepover. We went to Muskegon to visit my parents on Sunday and since my mom was to babysit him on Monday, she asked if he could spend the night. It was a hard decision, being that it was the first time he would be spending the night away from me, but ultimately we let him. It was hard not getting up with him at 6:30 this morning and playing with him, then kissing him goodbye when I left for work. And when I got home he was falling asleep despite Doug's best efforts to keep him awake for me. I was very happy to see him even if he was sleeping. I just can't get enough of my little boy...

Monday, April 30, 2007

So photogenic, don't you think?

Maybe it's just me, but Garrett has these amazing eyes. They seem to look into your soul and melt you until all that's left is a puddle of mush. It's these looks that make me want to quit working and stay home with him. And those rosy cheeks are just begging me to kiss them all day! What am I going to do when he gets older and other girls want to kiss those cheeks too? And I thought having a boy would be easier somehow...

At the hospital with Daddy

This is the day of Doug's kidney transplant (4-16-07). He wanted to see Garrett one more time before the surgery, so my mom and I got up really early to get to the hospital by 6am. Doug was SOOOO happy to see him and it's evident on his face how much he loves his little boy!

I got Garrett all dressed up in camouflage for the big day (Daddy's favorite!)

Our most recent family photo.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rolie Polie!

Garrett has learned a couple new things in the last week. On Tuesday April 17th, Garrett learned how to roll onto his side from his back, and on Saturday April 21st, he learned how to roll from his stomach to his back! Both Daddy and I were watching for this second roll, and I was so excited! He's already trying to get himself onto his stomach from his side, but his arm gets in the way, so I think it might be a while before he gets this one. Garrett has also learned how to blow raspberries. He sticks his tongue out and starts blowing spit all over. By the time he's done, his whole chin is covered in drool. He's such a happy boy most of the time. He always smiles when Doug and I walk into the room, and he's laughing so much more now! It'll only get better from here!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Doug's surgery update...

I know that this blog is for Garrett, but as you all know, today was the day that Doug got a new kidney from his mother. Surgery went well. Mom's surgery started around 8am this morning and Doug's started after 9am. The Doctor's said that everything went well and there were no complications during surgery. They are both resting comfortably now, and both experiencing abdominal soreness. Tomorrow, Doug is expected to be walking around, and Mom will probably we wheeled over to visit him. Please keep them both in your prayers for fast recoveries and no kidney rejection. If you want to get more updates, go to:
This is a website that Doug's sister set up for family and friends to get information and updates about the surgery and recoveries. Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers at this time.


Friday, April 13, 2007

Tummy Time

Garrett had tummy time on my Boppy pillow. He usually likes to prop himself way up so that he can see up high. But this time I think he was getting a little sleepy because he just laid there looking at me with this face. So adorable!

Naked Boy Time!

After baths, I wrap him up in this towel robe and he looks so cuddly!

Hey, Grandpa G! I think he's getting ready for a Harley!

Thursday night, I decided that Garrett needed a quick bath. He doesn't love his baths, but he likes them. His favorite part is getting undressed. When I pull on his sleeves so that his arms slide out, he laughs, smiles, and giggles every time! He's so cute naked!

Oh, the fun we have on Mommy's day off!

This last Wednesday, I was so excited to have the whole day to spend with my little boy! In between naps, we played and laughed, read books, watched TV, and even learned about mirrors! Garrett was on the floor and I was sitting behind him on the love seat. He saw me in the mirror on his Kick 'n Crawl Aquarium and watched me make faces at him!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Am I A Good Mother?...

Tonight I can't seem to stop asking myself that question. I love him so much it literally hurts. I would do anything for him. (I now understand why Doug's mom was so persistent in giving him her kidney). Yet it seems that since I've gone back to work and I'm not his primary caregiver, his life is out of whack and no matter what I do, I can't get it straightened out again. I made the decision before I went back to work to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula. Since then we've been dealing with excessive spitting up, gas, adding cereal, switching formulas, etc. And now we've added constipation in the mix. His naps are becoming nonexistent in the afternoons and its getting harder and harder to get him to bed on time at night. I don't blame any of the other caregivers that help Doug and I out during the week. Believe me, Doug and I are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people willing to take care of him once a week. And I know I shouldn't blame myself, but as his mother, I feel like I'm to blame somehow. Tonight I considered starting breastfeeding again (don't ask me how, since my milk has already dried up). I thought that maybe that would ease the problems somehow. Or maybe I should just stay home from work. But Doug and Garrett need insurance. I feel so guilty that I can't make everything perfect for him, even though deep down I know I can't possibly make everything perfect. So how do I fix this? What do I do? My dad says, "Don't worry about it". No offense Dad, but never tell a mother not to worry, even if you mean well. I worry a lot about how much sleep he's getting. A book that my pediatrician recommended, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Weisbluth, says that clinical studies had shown that children with poor sleep habits and are chronically overtired grow up to be anxious, depressed adults. Children that get more sleep on a daily basis also are better in school and learning than children that are chronically overtired. After reading that how my child learns to sleep now will affect his life as an adult, I'm very protective of his sleep, and I want him to get an adequate amount of sleep every day. If I have to work at 12pm, I can get him to take a good 2-3 hour nap in the morning with no problem. But lately he's been fighting his afternoon naps. He'll go down for about an hour then wake up... no matter how many times you may do this during the day. And now we're having a hard time getting him to go to bed and stay asleep for the night. He normally sleeps about 12 hours at night, and sleeps through the night every night. I know that most moms reading this are saying "At 3 months, you're lucky". But at 3 months, just sleeping 12 hours at night and 2-3 hours in the morning probably isn't enough. If anyone has a suggestion, a story, or even a joke to make me laugh about how overprotective I'm being, I'd appreciate it. I just want my son to be happy and healthy and well rested.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

He's just growing too fast!!!

Yesterday in the mail I received another issue of Growing Child, a monthly newsletter. I got months 4 and 5, and after reading it, I realized that Garrett is already doing the things they described for that age. I look back at what he was like as a newborn, and he's already learned so much! He plays with his hands quite frequently, he loves standing up, he smiles when he sees me or Doug, and can turn his head in the direction of our voice if we call his name. I tickle him when I change his diaper, and he laughs and giggles and squeals with joy. He's so much more interactive now, and it makes me think, "Where has the last 3 months gone?". It seems like just last month I gave birth to him, and now he's already this little man, growing and learning. I love him at this age because he's still my little boy, but I can see the great person he's already growing into.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Garrett's Baptism!

We had Garrett baptized at our church on his 3 month birthday (March 25, 2007). I wanted him to look nice, so I bought him this outfit from The Children's Place. Everyone thought he looked so cute!

Garrett at 9 weeks

These are Garrett's 9 week pictures that we had taken at Target. He's been smiling all the time since he turned 7 weeks. But wouldn't you know it... you get him in front of a camera and he gets a little shy! We tried everything to get him to smile, but he ended up crying at the first session. These pics came from our second session. They still turned out alright. He's adorable anyway!

Garrett loves his mommy!

Garrett and Mommy- 4 weeks old
You can't tell because he's screaming, but he really loves his mommy!

BIG changes!!!

Look how much he has changed from 4 days old to 10 days old!
At the time I couldn't see any changes in him, but now that he's 3 months old and a lot bigger, I look back and can see what everyone else was talking about.

1 day old...

Garrett looks a lot better here, huh? He is 1 day old in this picture. Still a little puffy, but looks great! He was born 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19&1/2 inches long. Looking back at this picture he seems so little compared to now. Doug always says, "He's STILL little." Yes, he is, but not THIS little.

On The Day You Were Born...

Garrett Raymond DeGraaf 12-25-06
On the day you were born, my life became more
complete than I ever imagined.
This is my son Garrett. As much as I didn't want his birthday on Christmas, he had other plans. He was born at 5:34pm on Christmas Day, and I have to say that this is by far the best present I've ever received. I love this picture of him because I never saw him looking like this. Yes, I'm the one holding him, but when they put him in my arms, he was so beautiful and perfect. I looked past all the puffiness and redness and straight into those beautiful blue eyes. It was then that I knew why I was born- to be Garrett's mommy.