Well, It's been a while since I've written anything or posted pics on Garrett's blog, but we're still here! Since I have a second, I thought I'd try to update everyone on Garrett's crazy busy life. Since July, Garrett has learned so much! I'll try to keep it short since there is a lot of info.
-August 1st- Garrett started crawling!
-August 12th/13th- He was able to go from crawling position to sitting up and back again.
-August 13th- Garrett started pulling up on furniture to standing and also started walking (though somewhat wobbly) when holding on to your hands.
-August 24th- Garrett cut his 1st tooth!
-August 26th- Said "mama" for the first time ( I melted!).
-September 2nd- cut 2nd tooth!
-September 19th- Garrett first started to pick up finger foods and put them in his mouth (knowing that they were supposed to go there).
Mid-September-Mommy got sick and we discovered that when Mommy coughed Garrett would do a "fake" cough. Now he will "fake" cough when we say "cough-cough". It's really cute!
November 13th/14th-cut 3rd tooth! But it's not his front top teeth. He's actually getting the teeth just outside of them, so it looks like fangs coming in!
Garrett started getting sick towards the beginning of October. After the first week, I took him to the doctor just to make sure he wasn't getting an ear infection. The doctor said he was looking good. Well, it's been over 6 weeks and we're on the 2nd antibiotic and he's FINALLY starting to get better. It just got so bad that he got a little sinus infection that didn't go away after the first round of antibiotics. Now he can actually suck on his pacifier or drink a bottle without the snorting sound of blocked sinuses. So we're very happy that he's feeling better.
Garrett also had his first Halloween! I took him the weekend before to my parents in Muskegon and put on the costume then so that they could see him in it. He was so cute and I was very relieved that the many more times he was put in the costume, he didn't cry! (The first time was a disaster).
Doug and I have been working on talking with him. He loves our cats and everytime he pets them, we tell him its a kitty. Well, after so many times of telling him it was a kitty, he started saying "kee" or "kee-kee". I still think that counts as his first word (besides sounds of "mama" and "dada"), but Doug disagrees. Since then, we've also been trying "doggie", and he's come close a couple times, but he's just not a consistant talker yet.
Garrett has also discovered the phone. Whenever Doug or I isn't home, but the other is, and we call each other, we'll give the phone to Garrett so he can hear us talking to him. Now he will pick up the phone and hold it to his ear (usually backwards and upside down) when we say "hello". Time for pics!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
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