Saturday, June 21, 2008

Finally! A new computer!

I'm finally in the 21st century with technology! We finally got a new computer and I'm able to upload images and video to Garrett's blog, literally at the touch of a button! Here are some more recent pics to show how much he's grown since my last posting.

Daddy and Garrett sporting "new do's" (via the vacuum)

As most people who know us know, Garrett is obsessed with vacuum cleaners, mostly calling them "buttis". Finally I broke down and got him his own "buttis", Dusty the Talking Vacuum.
Here he is, not even waiting for a diaper after his bath, to play with his new toy.

Lately Garrett just loves to hug Kyanne, our cat. He likes to pin her down and lay on her, and she's really great about it. She will usually just tolerate it until he's done, or until he loosens his grip to escape at an opportune moment.

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